
  • Some forgotten books deserving attention from the specialist

    • Vers l’autre flamme. Apres seize mois dans l’U.R.S.S.
      Panaït Istrati
      Vers l'autre flamme – Apres seize mois dans l'U.R.S.S., publié en 1929, marque le début de la série de témoignages critiques et désillusionnés des militants. Le récit de "l'affaire Roussakov" est du plus grand intérêt: de retour à Moscou au début de 1929, Istrati tomba sur une histoire grâce à laquelle nous avons un témoignage simple et linéaire sur la fracture politique dans la société soviétique à l'époque, prologue des événements du stalinisme qui commenceraient bientôt à se produire.
      Ebook price € 3
    • Gospels of Anarchy. Essays on True and Sham Spirituality
      Vernon Lee
      In this 1909 volume the nineteenth-century culture is discussed focusing on the post-romantic and unrealistic restorations of spirituality that carry within themselves a kinship with positivism and the key of their failure, both revealed in the persistent intellectualism that imprints all forms of alleged spirituality, rediscovered or founded from scratch by Emerson, Tolstoy, Ruskin, Nietzsche, William James and by the planning attitude of the future of the new socialist Utopias.
      Ebook price € 3
    • History of the Greek Revolution
      George Finlay
      After participating to the Greek Independence War, George Finlay studied the history of medieval and modern Greece, and wrote this History of the Greek Revolution, in which the mass of first-hand testimonies and documentary data in his possession was reworked in a masterpiece of historiography attentive to the facts and their context. The essay begins with a description of the Greek society at the dawn of the Independence War and extends up to the Constitutional Revolution of 1843.
      Ebook price € 5
    • Pragmatism and French Voluntarism
      Susan Stebbing
      Pragmatism and French Voluntarism, published in 1914, introduces us methodically into American pragmatism and into the many French anti-intellectualist currents of thought, which culminated in Bergson's philosophy. It is permeated with awareness of the deeply irrational and inconsistent statements which were in the epistemological currents of that time, and this awareness corresponds to a moral discomfort, clearly and strongly expressed, which invites us to further critical thinking.
      Ebook price € 2
    • Law. Son système et son époque
      André Cochut
      Ce livre, écrit en 1853, raconte l'histoire de la banque de John Law et de l'immense catastrophe financière qui marqua la France des années 1716 à 1720. Riche d'anecdotes aidant à situer le phénomène dans son contexte social, il rend aussi compte des sources du dix-huitième siècle pour l'histoire de Law et aussi de nombreux détails techniques sur les opérations financières de Law.
      Ebook price € 1

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