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    • GogLiB is a digital native publisher. Its mission is to give voice to the most specialized scientific essay: the one that reaches its readers a little at a time, year by year, and for which the paper publication is always uneconomical.
      GogLiB listens to all those who have something to say, and will publish any work that readers deserve to have, because electronic publishing allows it: there is no longer the tyranny of printing.

    • Science at the Crossroads. A Rational Scrutiny of the Clock Paradox in Einstein's Relativity
      Herbert Dingle
      Science at the Crossroads was published by Herbert Dingle in 1972 at the end of a gruelling controversy with the English scientific world about the clock paradox in Einstein's special relativity. It is a seminal text, which allows us to understand and evaluate, with Cartesian clarity, the problem of that paradox. The essay contains a great wealth of philosophical and epistemological ideas and has a classic imprint, rich with sharp and clear distinctions, and very elegant in style.

      Pages 270
      Format: pdf + epub + mobi
      ISBN 9788897527442 Anno 2018
    • Ebook Price € 5

    • Herbert Dingle
      Herbert Dingle (1890–1978) was an English physicist and philosopher of science, who served as president of the Royal Astronomical Society from 1951 to 1953. He became a professor at Imperial College in 1938, and at University College London from 1946. He was one of the founders of the British Society for the History of Science. He founded what later became the British Society for the Philosophy of Science as well as its journal, the British Journal for The Philosophy of Science.
      Regno Unito
      Birth 1890
      See all publications by this author
      Science at the Crossroads was published by Herbert Dingle in 1972 at the end of a gruelling controversy with the English scientific world about the clock paradox in Einstein's special relativity. It is still a seminal text, which allows us to understand and evaluate, with Cartesian clarity, the problem of that paradox for all those readers who find themselves in a widespread condition of having studied Einstein's special relativity or received a teaching of it, and yet of not feeling comfortable it because the attempt to understand the logical connection of the parts with the whole did not succeed. Many have experienced this state of mind, and can admit it. In this way Science at the Crossroads is an important source of knowledge about Einstein's special relativity and its historical background.
      Science at the Crossroads contains a great wealth of philosophical and epistemological ideas. The essay has a classic imprint, rich with sharp and clear distinctions, and very elegant in style. We meet countless research possibilities concerning the mathematical idealism of anti-classical physics after 1920 (assuming it is still correct to call it physics rather than metaphysics, as Dingle would suggest, as a partisan of modern science empirical method). Every page written by Dingle suggests research that could be carried out in depth, starting from what Dingle observes on the origins of mathematical idealism in Maxwell himself and his displacement current postulated to ensure the continuity of a given mathematical function, to end with the extreme tendencies of this kind of thought that were manifested towards the 1970s, as for example in the case of Professor Hoyle mentioned in the last chapter, who “has plainly stated his advocacy of the process of telling nature what to do instead of looking to see what she does”. Naturally, it is our task to continue Dingle’s research up to the present.
      The present electronic edition provides a Foreword from the editor, which informs about the basic knowledge readers are expected to have in order to fully understand Science at the Crossroads.
      Foreword from the Editor
      What we need to know to read Science at the Crossroad
      The first interpretation of relativity by Dingle
      Note to the 2018 electronic edition
      Science at the Crossroads - Original title page
      PART ONE - The Moral Issue
      1 - The Basic Principles of Science
      2 - The Origin of the Controversy
      3 - Reactions to Criticism
      4 - Attitude of the Press
      5 - Attitude of the ‘Elder Statesmen’
      PART TWO - The Intellectual Issue
      6 - Four Outstanding Errors
      7 - Einstein’s Theory in its Original Context
      8 - Non-Einsteinian Relativity
      9 - The ‘Clock (or Twin) Paradox’
      10 - The Present Position
      I - Don’t Bring back the Ether
      II - The Case Against Special Relativity
      III - Why the Special Theory of Relativity is Correct
      IV - The Case Against the Special Theory of Relativity
      Editor’s Afterword
      What we do not find in Dingle’s testimony
      The implications of mathematization: an open problem
      Back Cover
      Herbert Dingle

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